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icp光谱仪怎么操作(ICP spectrometer how to operate)
点击次数:0 发布时间:2016-10-04


ICP spectrometer is a commonly used analytical instrument, it is used in various fields, users in the process of use, most do not know how to operate the ICP spectrometer, ICP spectrometer correct operation method is what? Let's get to know:

1 开机顺序:实验室总电源→氩气→冷却水→抽风机→仪器主机→进样泵→电脑→smart analyzer vision工作站

1 boot order: total power, argon, laboratory, exhaust fan, cooling water, injection pump, instrument host computer, smart analyzer vision workstation

2 方法编辑:点击smart analyzer vision工作站左边工具箱中的method按钮进入方法编辑窗口,点击new method,输入方法名,ok↓确定。

2 methods of editing: click on the smart vision workstation analyzer left in the toolbox method button to enter the method of editing window, click on the new method, the input method name, OK: sure.


To measure

当方法编辑好后,就可以进行点火开始测量。点火:点击system/setup devices,分别设置等离子气体流量为10l/min、辅助气流量为1l/min、雾化器气流量为1l/min,点击apply 进行冲洗气路2分钟。在矩管图中观察以上各气流量回零后,点击plasma点燃等离子体,点火后点击pump启动进样泵。在进样前吸入蒸馏水或空基体溶液5∽15分钟,以加热和平衡组成成分。

When the method is edited, the ignition can be started. Ignition: click on the system/setup devices, were set up plasma gas flow rate of 10l/min, auxiliary gas flow 1l/min, nebulizer gas flow rate of 1l/min, click apply to wash gas for 2 minutes. In the torque tube chart above the gas flow back to zero, click plasma to ignite the plasma, ignition after the click pump to start the sample pump. In the sample before inhalation of distilled water or 5 ~ 15 minutes free matrix solution, composition for heating and balance.


4, data processing


5, shutdown, shutdown order: argon, cooling water, exhaust fan, computer, instrument, laboratory of general power.


The above is a small series for your specific ICP spectrometer how to operate, for the above content you understand it, the correct operation of the ICP spectrometer as mentioned above, I hope to help you.
