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The main features of atomic absorption spectrometer:


Multifunctional atomic absorption spectrometer is by Professor Wu Tingzhao (China's first atomic absorption spectrometer design) the idea proposed by Professor Chen Lianyuan, (sea light GGX-6 type instrument, the only Zeeman background of the atomic absorption spectrometer designer) specific design expert development, with the world's advanced level of a large precision analysis instruments.


1 high stability: baseline stability is the 0.002A/30min. atomic absorption spectrometer at home and abroad ahead of other manufacturers of atomic absorption spectrometer. The baseline stability of atomic absorption spectrometer is one of the basic parameters of the instrument, and the stability of the baseline determines the running state of a series of atomic absorption spectrometer, such as noise, sensitivity, repeatability, etc..

2.高灵敏度:本型原子吸收光谱仪的灵敏度达到了世界领先,远远超过国内同行业的技术指标。本型原子吸收光谱仪的灵敏度为(1μg/ml 铜Cu吸光度≥0.28Abs)。

2 high sensitivity: the sensitivity of this type of atomic absorption spectrometer to achieve the world's leading, far exceeding the domestic technology indicators of the same industry. The sensitivity of this type of atomic absorption spectrometer for (1 g/ml copper absorbance of Cu = 0.28Abs).

3. 高能量:本型原子吸收光谱仪的灯电流控制在3mA-5mA(其它厂家8mA-12mA),光谱带宽0.2nm,负高压在150V-350V即可使透过率满度,这样您的空心阴极灯可以多使用二分之一以上的时间,从而大大节省了消耗品及采购费用。

3: this type of lamp current high energy atomic absorption spectrometer control in 3mA 5mA (8mA, 12mA and other manufacturers) spectral bandwidth of 0.2nm, negative pressure in 150V-350V can make full transmittance, so hollow cathode lamp you can use more than 1/2 of the time, which greatly saves consumables and procurement costs.


4 unique USB interface: the domestic atomic absorption spectrometer in the unique configuration of the USB interface, to adapt to various types of computer and ancillary office equipment, reflecting the instrument's forward-looking and compatibility.

5. 多项领先的专利技术:我公司在原子吸收光谱仪制造上拥有多项国家专利:如高性能空心阴极灯、金属套玻璃高效雾化器、氢化物发生器等。高性能空心阴极灯的应用,具有发射强度大、测定灵敏度高、检出限较低、稳定性较好、临近谱线干扰消失等优势。而金属套玻璃高效雾化器的发明、生产、应用,使原子吸收光谱仪的灵敏度、检出限、稳定性都得到了极大的提高。流动注射氢化物发生器在原子吸收光谱仪上的应用,使氢化物原子吸收法的灵敏度和检出限都已经达到了国际水平,测定效率极高,并且可以部分替代原子荧光光度计。我们的专利产品占全国90%以上的原吸市场份额。

5 a number of leading patented technology absorption spectrometer manufacturing: our company has a number of national patents in atomic: such as high performance hollow cathode lamp, glass, metal sleeve atomizer, hydride generator etc.. The application of high performance hollow cathode lamp has the advantages of high emission intensity, high sensitivity, low detection limit, good stability, and the interference of near spectral line. The metal sleeve glass high-efficiency atomizer invention, production and application, and the sensitivity of the atomic absorption spectrometer limit, stability has been greatly improved. Flow injection hydride generator atomic absorption spectrometer used in the absorption, sensitivity and detection limit has reached the international level to make atomic, high efficiency determination, and can replace part of atomic fluorescence spectrometer. Our patented products accounted for more than 90% of the country's primary market share.

6. 技术先进、稳定、耐用:本型原子吸收光谱仪在2003年的BCEIA展会上获得金奖。本型原子吸收光谱仪在近几年的大型仪器展览和展会上,是同类仪器当中唯一敢开机跑基线的原子吸收光谱仪器。在新疆各地做展出时,路况极为颠簸,下车立即可开机检测,对于原子吸收光谱仪器,这种稳定性在同类仪器中是罕见的。

6 advanced technology, stable and durable: this type of atomic absorption spectrometer in 2003 to get the gold medal in the BCEIA. This type of atomic absorption spectrometer in recent years, large scale equipment exhibition and exhibition, is the only dare to start running the baseline of the atomic absorption spectrometer. Throughout the Xinjiang to do the show, the road is very bumpy, get off immediately boot detection, for atomic absorption spectrometer, this stability in the same kind of instrument is rare.

7. 流动注射氢化物发生器(独家专利技术生产):我公司生产的原子吸收光谱仪,结合我公司生产的氢化物发生器,构成了先进的气动自动化技术(只需一键即可自动完成进样、发生、读数、清洗全过程)。

7 flow injection hydride generator (the production of patented technology): our company is the production of atomic absorption spectrometer, combined with hydride generator, which advanced pneumatic automation technology (only one key can automatically complete the sample, and the whole process of reading, cleaning).

8. 石墨炉系统与原子吸收光谱仪主机为自动切换:石墨炉系统与原子吸收光谱仪切换设计为自动后,从系统切换到测样非常简单快捷,大大节省了分析时间,方便了客户使用。

8 graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer system and host for automatic switching: graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer system and design for automatic switch, switch to the sample from the system is very simple and quick, save analysis time, convenient for customers to use.

9. 人性化的信息处理软件

9 humanized information processing software


Analysis of industry experts, Tsinghua University Professor famous famous theory of Deng Bo absorption spectrometer data processing software of this type of atomic absorption production led by China's atomic data set of new treatment at home and abroad and combined with the practice in the field of Chinese atomic absorption spectroscopy, data processing results are given high credibility, the design of software operation is convenient and rapid and the very advanced, is a masterpiece of atomic absorption spectrometer software.
